.. figure:: _static/logo-banner.png Welcome to LBS 2025 =================================== Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (National Land Survey of Finland) and Aalto University are pleased to invite you to the 19th International Conference on Location Based Services (LBS 2025), which will take place in Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland on 7-9 May 2025. The conference is a joint effort of the ICA Commission on Location Based Services, the Commission on Digital Transformation of National Mapping Agencies, and the Commission on Cognitive Issues in Geographic Information Visualization. Call for papers --------------- :doc:`Call for Papers ` open now! Important Dates ------------------ The timeline that participants should consider is: - **1.11.2024** Deadline for full papers - **1.2.2025** Deadline for work in progress/abstracts - **15.2.2024** Deadline for showcases - **Registration:** Early bird -31.3.2025, Regular 1.4.2025- - **7.-9.5.2025** LBS 2025 Conference, Otaniemi, Espoo .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: pages/call_papers pages/venue pages/contact pages/committee pages/former_conference pages/keynote_speakers .. pages/registration .. pages/travel_grant .. pages/program .. pages/proceedings .. pages/dates